With the motto of “Knowledge is power and grows as it is shared”, I created my blog in 2009, and until today, I have tried to provide many technical articles to raise awareness of information security. Starting in January 2015, I decided to compile all of my articles into e-books on a yearly basis, and share them with cybersecurity enthusiasts.
As the end of the year approaches, I converted all the blog posts I wrote in 2022, including December’s post, into e-books. Those who are interested can download all of these e-books separately from https://www.hack4career.com/e-kitap/
I hope that the research that I have done with my effort, time and resources by writing these articles will be useful for those who want to improve themselves in the field of cybersecurity.
I wish a happy new year to all my readers, and I wish that 2023 will bring health first, happiness and success to them and all their loved ones.